Today was well... interesting!
We got up at 6am which was semi hard considering some people were partying late and I had to go ask them to shut it! (nicely of course) and then a Pine Marten was running around on the roof and walls and scared the bejesus out of me when it landed on the outside of the wall right next to my head and I thought it was in the room! ps... the walls here are not insulated since they're real old school cabins so its very loud!
Anyways today we tried out a real field day trapping Uinta Ground Squirrels. We had good luck and caught four within an hour and a half (we can only run four in our machine at a time). The program takes 9 hours to run so after driving (one hour each way), setting traps, setting up, and evaluating the animals its a whole days work.
Dr. Wilson didnt get the O2 calibrated right and we didnt figure out that we even had a problem until 3pm which ment we had to scrap the whole days work and start over tomorrow :( semi frustrating but oh well!
We plan to try again tomorrow, the bright side is that we are parked in front of a beautiful river where we saw several animals today!

This is a Pine Marten, I didnt take this picture, but thought I'd show it. I know he looks cute but he is a predator! They're rarely seen, they are very sneaky!

Ground squirrel dangerously close to our trap!
Me and all of the crap! We set up the metabolic chamber in the back of the prius... if it looks confusing thats because it is!
Deer crossing the river
Bald Eagle!
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